Raymond P. Daddazio

BS’75 MS’76 EngScD’82, P: EN’20; Chair Emeritus; Senior Consultant and President Emeritus, Thornton Tomasetti, Inc.

Raymond P. Daddazio

Ray has broad experience in technology innovation and strategic and operational management of advanced engineering and technology programs. He has held various leadership roles, including president of Thornton Tomasetti and president and CEO of Weidlinger Associates, which merged with Thornton Tomasetti in 2015. Prior to his election as Weidlinger’s president in 2006, Ray was director of the firm’s Applied Science division. As such, he oversaw all of the firm’s advanced analysis and technology initiatives. He is a founder of TTWiiN, an innovation accelerator that commercializes technology spun off from Thornton Tomasetti. He serves on the boards of three of the spin-offs OnScale (acquired by Ansys in April 2022), Hummingbird Kinetics, and T2D2.ai.

Ray is a native New Yorker and earned BS, MS, and EngScD degrees from Columbia University. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in New York State.