Student Life
Discover a place where those around you love the thrill of intellectual discovery as much as you do; where students driven by passion and curiosity come together from all over the globe to test their limits; and where the possibilities of exploration in a thriving city are endless. Discover an open community, a close-knit community, a community of risk-takers and leaders. Discover a home away from home where you belong as you grow into who you will become. Discover student life at Columbia.
Living in New York City
At Columbia, you’re truly in the center of it all. From abundant parks to world-class museums, access all the amenities of a thriving global city.
We help you find a safe, affordable home away from home, on or off campus, where you will build friendships that last far beyond graduation.
From your early-morning coffee to a late-night burger, find a wide variety of places to grab a bite and connect with friends.
Undergraduate Student Life
Extend your learning and growth outside the classroom. In our supportive community, discover a world of clubs, organizations, and events to explore.
Graduate Student Life
Join a diverse, curious, and talented community. From clubs to design competitions to networking events, there’s a lot of life beyond the lab.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
We actively seek students from all backgrounds, drawing strength from our differences. Discover how we’re building a more inclusive community.
Career Development
At Columbia, we help you connect your unique talents with amazing opportunities. Get career guidance, find an internship, network with alumni, and more.
Student Wellness
Life is more than academics. We offer support to help you thrive in every area of life, including medical services, counseling, and well-being programs.
Student Life Events
Find out about Commencement, Class Day, Homecoming, and new student orientation events.
A Visit Is Worth 1,000 Words
We can tell you all about the amazing environment students experience at Columbia Engineering, but there’s no substitute for seeing it yourself. Come find out how what happens outside the classroom can be just as transformative as what happens within it.