Itsik Pe'er

Professor of Computer Science and Systems Biology

Itsik Pe’er is a professor in the Department of Computer Science.

 His laboratory develops and applies computational methods for the analysis of high-throughput data in germline human genetics. Specifically, he has a strong interest in isolated populations such as Pacific Islanders and Ashkenazi Jews. The Pe’er Lab has developed methodology to identify hidden relatives — primarily in such isolated populations — that involves inferring their past demography, detecting associations between phenotypes and genetic segments co-inherited from the joint ancestors of hidden relatives, and establishing the exceptional utility of whole-genome sequencing in population genetics. With the arrival of high-throughput sequencing methods, Pe’er has focused on characterizing genetic variation that is unique to isolated populations, including the effects of such variation on phenotype.

Research Areas

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Imaging
  • Modeling & Simulation

Additional Information

  • Education
    • PhD, Computer Science, Tel Aviv University
    • MS, Computer Science, Tel Aviv University
    • BS, Mathematics and Computer Science, Tel Aviv University