Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
We are a multi-disciplinary applied science utilizing mathematical models to improve decision-making in complex environments. Our faculty members are widely recognized for their foundational contributions to optimization, statistics, machine learning, and probability. We lead cutting-edge research in healthcare operations, financial engineering, supply chain management, and market design. We offer multiple undergraduate programs and graduate programs leading to Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees.
More About This Department
Programs of Study
Browse bachelor's, master's, and doctorate programs in industrial engineering and operations research.
Areas of Research
Learn about the department's research areas, including undergraduate and graduate research opportunities.
Faculty & Staff
Meet the faculty and staff in the IEOR Department.
Driving Better Decisions and System Designs
Ensuring greater security and accessibility of financial services. Applying machine learning to drive efficiency gains in complex supply chains. Deploying sophisticated models to mitigate risk for businesses and markets. Department researchers use the latest computational tools to propel better outcomes across diverse contexts.
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department
Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science
313 S. W. Mudd, MC 4704, New York, NY 10027