Jayden Lee-Sin

Jayden is originally from Miami, Florida where he was born and lived much of his life, going to TERRA Environmental Research Institute before moving to Augusta, Georgia following his sophomore year of highschool and then attending Evans High School. He plans to major in computer engineering at Columbia.

Jayden first gained an interest in quantum computing after his sophomore year of high school when he took an introductory course in quantum computing through The Coding School entitled Qubit x Qubit. Focused on the idea in his spare time Jayden began to experiment with IBM’s quantum toolkit, Qiskit, both inside and outside of the class. Moving forward this sparked his interest in the advancement of computer hardware leading to the development of private projects and forays into the world of hardware.

In the summer of his junior year, Jayden expanded upon his interests by joining the 2022 MITES (MIT’s Introduction to Technology, Engineering, and Science) Semester cohort. A selective program focused on academic enrichment and college preparation. Here, Jayden took courses in both circuit design and science writing, developing several hardware projects in addition to submitting formal papers based on several scientific topics including bias in AI. This propelled Jayden to perform experiments with OpenCV’s caffemodel, eventually contributing to an ongoing project based on an adjusted dataset to help fight the bias facial recognition softwares hold against those of color and with physical disabilities.

Passionate about engineering in all senses, Jayden also has a surplus of industrial experience including CAD certifications, and internship experience at a 3D printing and manufacturing company, 3D Chimera. Here Jayden contributed to a project based around dual filament 3D printing where he developed machine code that allowed for the dual extrusion of multiple filament types, which is still in use today.

Among other passion projects, Jayden is proud to have privately worked on a CNC machine, 3D printer, 8-bit CPU, and more. Outside of academic pass times he also enjoys running, spending time with his family and friends, and fighting for educational equality in STEM for rural and low income highschool students.