
Columbia Engineering provides support and guidance to faculty members as it pertains to work/life. Below please find an overview of School and University resources available to faculty.

  • Housing

    Columbia Engineering faculty may either live in Columbia housing on a space-available basis, or live off campus. The housing process for pre-tenure faculty on the tenure track, as well as full-time teaching faculty, is managed centrally by Columbia Residential. Tenured faculty who choose to live in faculty housing may be offered apartments through a separate process managed by the Housing Priority Committee, which is overseen by the University Provost. If you have additional questions about housing options, please request an informational meeting with Allen Chen, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development ([email protected]), or Irene Hahn, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs ([email protected]). 

    Postdoctoral Housing

    The University has very limited housing for postdoctoral research scientists and postdoctoral research scholars. Columbia Engineering allocates these by lottery, and demand far exceeds supply. Interested postdocs should please reach out to Madeline Ramos, Manager of Faculty Affairs and Academic Appointments ([email protected]). 

    Learn More

    University-Owned Junior Faculty Housing

    Junior faculty housing is managed centrally by Columbia Residential and administered through Housing’s online portal. There are two opportunities each year for junior faculty to apply for housing, in the Spring for incoming July 1 hires, and in the Fall for incoming January 1 hires. For a timeline of important dates to note, please see here

    University-Owned Senior Faculty Housing

    Senior faculty housing, and the senior faculty housing request and transfer process, is managed by the Provost’s Office and the University’s Housing Priority Committee (HPC). Faculty members who wish to enter the housing process for a senior faculty apartment will need approval from their Chair as well as the Dean. To initiate this process, please schedule a meeting with the Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development or the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs to discuss your particular circumstances. 

    Support for Housing Purchases

    Columbia Engineering and the University may, depending on the circumstances, provide support for tenure-track and tenured faculty hired on or after July 1, 2024 who have opted to live off-campus and are planning to buy a residence within commuting distance of Columbia. To check eligibility and for more information, please schedule a meeting with the Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development or the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs to discuss your particular circumstances.

    Faculty Housing Policies and Programs

    Housing FAQ

    Columbia Residential has an extensive FAQ about the housing selection process linked here. Below please find some other commonly asked questions.


    Q. Can I renovate my Columbia faculty apartment?

    A. This depends. Please refer to the University’s renovations policy. Senior faculty who are living in Columbia Faculty housing may submit a request to their building superintendent by requesting a renovation form from [email protected] and submitting it to their super for consideration. 


    Q. Are pets allowed in faculty apartments?

    A. No. Please see Columbia Residential’s policy here


    Other Important Links

    Below please find some links about faculty housing, income supplements, off-campus housing, and more. 

  • Private School Tuition Programs

    Columbia Engineering faculty who wish to enroll their children in private school have two main sources of support for their children’s education: (1) the Primary School Tuition Scholarship administered by Columbia University, described in greater detail here, and (2) a SEAS-only private school benefits program for full-time faculty that may provide support in addition to the Columbia benefit. Please follow the link below for more information on the University PTS program; for information on the SEAS program, please reach out to Faculty Affairs by emailing Allen Chen, Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development ([email protected]). 

  • Sabbaticals

    Faculty who have accumulated 12 semesters of full-time teaching service are eligible for a semester-long sabbatical at full salary, or a year-long sabbatical at half salary. Sabbaticals allow faculty a period of intellectual refreshment. For full-time teaching faculty at the Professor of Professional Practice or Senior Lecturer in Discipline ranks, Columbia Engineering also offers a Dean’s Leave program that allows teaching faculty to step back from teaching after accumulating 12 semesters of full-time teaching. Questions about sabbatical or Dean’s Leave eligibility may be directed to Randy Torres, Executive Director of Academic Appointments and Faculty Affairs ([email protected]), or Irene Hahn, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs ([email protected]). 

  • Child Care & Schooling Services

    The School & Child Care Search Service recognizes how important decisions about child care and schooling are to families. Columbia colleagues, we are here for you—to think out loud, explore options, talk through continued uncertainties or shifting timelines, and help you make the decisions that feel right for you and your family.

    Learn more

  • Conflict Resolution

    The following links to the Office of Institutional Equity, the Ombuds Office, and the Office of General Counsel provide additional information to support faculty in specific cases. 

  • Columbia Health for Faculty and Staff

    Columbia Health partners with faculty and staff to promote the health and well-being of Columbia students. See below to learn more about options for faculty. 

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